Roy M. Spence Jr.: It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose
Al Ries: The Origin of Brands : Discover the Natural Laws of Product Innovation and Business Survival
Al Ries: The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR
Andreas Buchholz: What Makes Winning Brands Different: The Hidden Method Behind the World's Most Successful Brands
« March 2010 | Main | May 2010 »
"To discover Brand England's cultural source code please click here [blog] and here [video]
Note: You could support the St George's Day campaign by clicking here.
"When connecting with the Scottish, ensure your communication is aligned with Scotland's cultural source code."
"Tourism brand owners such as the Italian State Tourism Board should co-brand with local branding campaigns and events in their key markets."
Note: Compare and contrast Horsham's positioning with its neighbour Crawley's efforts.