Roy M. Spence Jr.: It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose
Al Ries: The Origin of Brands : Discover the Natural Laws of Product Innovation and Business Survival
Al Ries: The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR
Andreas Buchholz: What Makes Winning Brands Different: The Hidden Method Behind the World's Most Successful Brands
« December 2009 | Main | February 2010 »
"When branding your region, find a future that's focused on a narrow category - even if it's a single product"
"Madrid's big brand idea was found in the murky waters of the cultural collisions between the Hispanic Old and New Worlds"
Please click here for blog posting: "Madrid Only Happens in Madrid"
"When co-branding product with place, ensure the cultural source code for the product category is aligned with the code for the place."
'Brand' the Marketect says:
"When communicating with the English, ensure your brand strategy is on-code with England's cultural source code"
"When communicating with the French ensure your brand strategy is on-code with France's own cultural source code"
"Ditch the superlative, aspirational adjectives and re-position on a future-focused big brand idea"
"Ensure your destination's community has an annual celebration ritual to enhance its sense of place, identity and direction"
"Dive into the murky waters of cultural collisions, clashes and contradictions - the source of many big brand ideas"